Meet Laminda Miller – Worship Arts Finalist
Where do you live?
Gladewater, Texas
What is the name of your church and pastor?
Calvary Tabernacle, Pastor Charles Chargois
How do you use your talent in your local church or district?
I use dramatic painting as a tool for outreach, every now and then the Chargois allow me to do a painting during service, my parents an I are also involved in children’s ministry so whenever we go to do a children’s service I either paint or draw to music that depicts God’s everlasting love. I especially enjoy doing painting that follows the tone of the music; although the subject of the painting is unclear at first but at the end the painting all comes together
What motivated you to enter NATS 2013?
When I was younger I used to think that having an artistic ability had no use in God’s plan, but I think that dramatic painting is a ministry in which I can serve Him best, when I saw that North America Youth Congress was having a talent search I just felt like I had to be apart of it and if I didn’t I felt like it would be something I would have regretted not doing.
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