Meet Clark Walker – Solo Finalist
Where do you live?
Jackson, Tennessee
What is the name of your church and pastor?
Calvary Church Ministries, Pastor Clifford R. Walker
How long have you been singing?
My mother & father told me, that I began humming tunes, to familiar songs, before I could talk. (About 10 months)
What motivated you to enter NATS 2013?
My brother, Cliff Walker, Jr., encouraged me to enter NATS. I also wanted to take every opportunity that I can, to encourage young people to use their gifts & talents, for God’s kingdom. God has opened so many doors in my life, at a young age. I know that I’m called to sing, and lift up the Name of Jesus.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food, is southern cooking, by my Mamaw, Joy Robinson. Deer, gravy, mashed potatoes, veggies, and cornbread, are some of her specialties. I’m an avid hunter, so I kill the deer, and she cooks it to perfection. Mexican food would be 2nd, on my favorite list.