West Texas Praise
What city do you live in?
We all currently reside in Odessa, TX
What do you do? (school, job, etc)
Devin Smelser is a full time student, but is employed by his brother Daniel Smelser. Daniel Smelser owns a construction business and is a project manager for a roofing company. Alexandrea (Lexi) Pacheco, was a full time student, but has recently been offered a full time position to use her degree as an Art teacher. Jacob Garcia is a student and involved in ministry. Ivan Guevara is a full time paramedic/firefighter for the city of Odessa. Joe Torres is an inventory representative at a car auction and fills many roles in his position. Marvil Najera is truck driver in the oil field boom town of Odessa.
How do you use your talent in church/ministry?
We all play/sing at our local church and most of us are also involved in other ministries such as youth staff, media and sound.
Snapchat or IG?
What do you do with your free time?
We all enjoy our free time and spend it each in our own way. We all enjoy spending time with our respective families. We enjoy fellowshipping amongst ourselves in any way we can.
What is your favorite food?
Being from West Texas, we all unanimously chose TACOS as our favorite food.
Favorite Snapchat filter?
We could not decide on a Snapchat filter, but agreed most of them are hilarious!
What would you tell someone who is thinking about enter the Talent Search – Worship Arts next year?
JUST DO IT. We never in our wildest imaginations expected to have made it this far. If you feel the the tug to enter, follow it, you might just bless someone in the process.
If you had the attention of the world, what would you say to them?
If we had the attention of the world we would want to spread the Jesus name message with love and passion. To keep it short and sweet we would simply quote one of our favorite songs, “O come to the altar, The Father’s arms are open wide.”