Serena and Jon David
What city do you live in?
Jon David Sandez is from San Diego California.
Serena Ruiz is from Los Angeles, CA.
What do you do? (school, job, etc)
JD: For work I do different things I work as a tire tech, trade in the stock market, and teach guitar.
S: I counsel high school students of Long Beach, CA in college and career readiness to help them reach their short-term and long-term goals.
How do you use your talent in church/ministry?
JD: I use my talent to minister at my home church, other churches in need, and events around SoCal.
S: Same as Jon David!
Snapchat or IG?
JD: I use both Snapchat and instagram
S: I use instagram!
What do you do with your free time?
JD: For free time I like to hangout with my friends/family and go to the beach, or anywhere in San Diego. Anywhere but the house.
S: I love to spend time with my friends and family!
What is your favorite food?
JD: My favorite food is real Mexican food….which can only be found in SoCal.
S: I’m a foodie, so it’s hard to pick just one… but I’ll say Mexican food!
Favorite Snapchat filter?
JD: Favorite snapchat filter….none lol.
S: I don’t have a favorite either!
What would you tell someone who is thinking about enter the Talent Search – Worship Arts next year?
JD: For anyone considering doing the Talent search next year, I say do it! God gave you a talent not to keep to yourself, share it!
S: Go for it! Enjoy the process along the way, and let God use you.
If you had the attention of the world, what would you say to them?
JD: If I could have the attention of the world I would let them know that there is a God out there that loves them, and we’re not alone on this journey called life.
S: I’d share the same message. There’s a God named Jesus, and He loves you. He sees you, knows everything about you, and wants you to know Him.