Meet Raina Bibb
Where is your group from?
I am from Phoenix, Arizona.
What church do you attend and who is the pastor?
I attend the Pentecostals of Phoenix (P.O.P.) and my Father, Rob Bibb is the pastor.
What motivated you to enter NATS 2015?
After sharing my poem in multiple places I started having a lot of people of all ages come and tell how much it’s ministered to them and how they think it should be shared with others. When Congress started rolling around I thought “maybe this is a way God could share it!” so I submitted it.
What other talents do you have?
I am also a pianist.
Who do you want to send a shout out to?
y boyfriend Mathew, I wrote this poem before we were dating and even then he was so supportive and encouraged me to share it with others! Also a shout out to my family, you are my inspiration and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without each and everyone of you!