Meet Natalie Reyes
How do you use your talent in your local church or district?
I am blessed to be the worship leader at the beautiful Hispanic church where I grew up. I love PIPH Toronto!
How long have you been singing?
For about fourteen years!
What motivated you to enter NATS 2015?
Aside from a push from a few friends, I entered NATS as a challenge to myself to do something out of the norm and to show younger and growing talents that you don’t have to give your talent to the world to get amazing opportunities such as this one. We can grow in God, we can dream in God. Give your talent solely to the One who gave it to you in the first place and He will open doors for you that you never imagined.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?
Chocolate chip cookie dough – the best of both worlds, cookie and ice-cream! I’ll have a coffee with that – to go.
Who do you want to send a shout out to?
To the motivators in my life, who encourage me daily with love and wisdom, you know who you are! And to Beyond the Sound Praise & Media Team, I’m privileged to work alongside such amazing, humble, passionate for God young people each week. I’m so thankful for every one of you.