Meet Morgan McCoy – Worship Arts Finalist
Where do you live?
Gainesville, FL originally from Jacksonville, FL
What is the name of your church and pastor?
The Pentecostals of Gainesville,Pastor Jeffery W. Arnold
How do you use your talent for my church?
Every year we hold a youth conference called Operation Rescue. I’ve been blessed to perform at this conference every year since I’ve been going to church. Ive also done banquets and honorary services like my pastor’s anniversary service. Ive also been privileged to perform in my community using it to spread the message of hope and God’s love.
What motivated you to enter NATS 2013?
I’m apart of the youth team at my church and I was just checking dates on the website. Some how I ended up on the talent search page. I noticed the category for worship arts and I thought “oh thats cool”. I didn’t think anything about it but for some reason the contest kept coming back up in my mind. I decided to pray about it and God spoke to me. He said “open your mouth” and I realized that this opportunity is just that, opening my mouth on a massive scale. I am motivated to participate this year purely in hope of God using me.
What are five things you can’t live without?
1.Jesus’ presence, love and conviction
3. Coconut oil, baby oil or cocoa butter (I hate being ashy!)
4. My family (it’s all in the blood)
5. Ummmm air lol