Katy Wrinkle

What city to you live in?
I live in Leakesville, MS
What do you do? (school, job, etc)
I graduate from high school May 19th 2017
How do you use your talent in church/ministry?
I am apart of my church’s choir and praise team. I am in MS Allstate, which we travel all over the place to sing at different MS district events and I help sing for MS senior camp.
What do you do with your free time?
When I have free time, I like going out with my friends, or having family game nights.
What is your favorite restaurant?
My favorite restaurant is Cotton Blue’s. It’s based from New Orleans food. Currently only located in MS. It’s amazing!
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is blue. Except when it comes to clothing, I am an all black girl. lol
iPhone or Android?
Are you obsessed with fidget spinners?
No ma’am, I am not obsesses with the fidget spinners. Crazy enough, i actually don’t find interest in them.
What would you tell someone who is thinking about enter the Talent Search – Worship Arts next year?
I would tell someone who is thinking about entering next year, would be that if you have a talent, it should not be only secluded to you and your family, you should share your talent with the world. I know its nerve racking to think about singing or playing, or whatever talent you may have, and doing that in front of many people, but God didn’t give it to you, to just sit there. It’s meant to be shared, and maybe you will inspire someone else to try out!
If you had the attention of the world, what would you say to them?
Wow what a great question. If I had the attention of the world, I would have to spill my heart. I know what it’s like to feel alone, and hurting and you can’t really grasp why some things happen, but it’s apart of a bigger plan. God loved us so much, he played down his life for us. The least we can do is live for him. God designed us to where there is this void in us, that can only be filled by Him, but instead we run to drugs, alcohol, drama, and many other things that the devil tries to trip us up on. Heaven is too great to miss out on, and if this helps, God didn’t bring you this far, just to leave you. He loves you with an unconditional love, and he WILL see you through this. Most importantly I would get into the plan of salvation, but there’s so much hurt in this world, I think they need to first be reassured that they are loved, and God has a plan for them!! 🙂