(JAY) Jamaican Apostolic Youths
What city do you live in?
We are all from different parts of the island of Jamaica, but we all live in the city of Kingston for School.
What do you do? (school, job, etc)
We attend the University of the West Indies,Mona.
How do you use your talent in church/ministry?
We are all involved in our individual church choirs and Campus Ministry Choir- Universities and Colleges Apostolic Ministry-UCAM
Snapchat or IG?
Definitely Instagram
What do you do with your free time?
We eat, fellowship and pray with fellow campus ministry students.
What is your favorite food?
We can’t decide on a favourite, but we have a few we really like, Ackee and Saltfish, Jerk Pork and Jerk Chicken. We recommend these to anyone!*
Favorite Snapchat filter?
We are not fans of filters😁
What would you tell someone who is thinking about enter the Talent Search – Worship Arts next year? Step out on Faith! We literally entered this competition by faith as an international group and we made it to the finals. Step out on Faith!
If you had the attention of the world, what would you say to them?
There is meaning to Life, and there is a God who cares about every aspect of your Life, his name is Jesus. You can find all you need in him- Acts 2:38