Elenee Young
What city do you live in?
Lloydminster, Saskatchewan/Alberta
What do you do? (school, job, etc)
I run a Greek restaurant with my amazing family. @spirosyll
How do you use your talent in church/ministry?
I am so blessed to lead (along with an amazing team) our wonderful church family into the Throne Room of The King every week!
Snapchat or IG?
IG! @eleneemyoung
What do you do with your free time?
Raise two beautiful girls in the fear and admonition of Christ. Love my husband. Write melodies for the bride of Christ.
What is your favorite food?
Anything Greek!
What would you tell someone who is thinking about enter the Talent Search – Worship Arts next year?
Heavenly humility doesn’t mean hiding your talents! Put your name in and see where the Lord takes it!
If you had the attention of the world, what would you say to them?
Jesus loves you and you are worth so much more than anything this world will ever offer you!